
Hello and welcome to Etts’ Pets!  This page is dedicated to pet battles in World of Warcraft.  This site is fairly bare bones when it comes to descriptions of the tamers, battles, etc.  The purpose is to give you a short resource with easy to follow guides.  There are other sites that will give you in depth details of pets and their abilities.  WarcraftPets is the most extensive and a WONDERFUL resource for any battler.  I encourage you to create a profile and track your pet collections there.

Every battle strategy posted on this page has been tested multiple times by me.  The strategies have been gathered from friends, WowHead, and places deep inside my brain!  With that said, ANY strategy can fail, but I’ve tried to pick pets that have a little less RNG and are not super hard to get.  I encourage suggestions, but please be respectful to me and other users of this site.  This is a happy place!  Enjoy battling!

Behold, Argus!

Wow, Argus has arrived – or rather we have arrived on Argus and there are a slew of new pets to battle and collect!  This little gnome is feeling a tad under dressed as I seem to have forgotten my pet battling pants in another castle, er…on another planet.  You may have noticed that the Argus pet battle pages are rather lacking and actually totally nonexistent on this site.  Whelp, there is a GREAT reason for that and I present him below:20170805_135831

His name is Arlo and I’ve been pet battling with him and his half brother (my other yellow lab who is 4.5 years old).  Oh the horror!  While I struggle to wipe the puppy kisses off my face, why don’t you head on over to Xu-Fu’s Guides and have a look at all the wonderful strats for the new Argus pets.  As always I will try to be available for questions or just to chat with.  I still stream every Sunday evening so come check me out!


Squirky Revealed!

At last!  The hiding place of Squirky is finally revealed!  The much anticipated and seriously cute little murloc has finally come out of hiding.  Pack your bags and bring a geared or heavy hitting character; heck, bring some pet battling friends and head out to 21, 21 in Azsuna to get in on some Squirky fun.  The island that the Squirkys inhabit is filled with elite murlocs who tend to be very unfriendly so be ready to fight.


Yes I’m Still Updating!

I know that I haven’t posted anything on the main page since – eesh! – October, but I AM still updating the page!  I promise that I am!  The pet battles on the Broken Shore have been added and some other battles have been updated.  I most likely will NOT be adding guides for the pet battle dungeons because Xu-Fu’s guides have done a wonderful job walking through those.  Just some assurance though, I’m still alive, still pet battling and still updating!



7.1 has arrived and with it comes multiple new pets as well as some special little guys you can find while doing your world quests.  During the falcosaur invasion quests the matriarch for the brood will spawn.  Upon killing the matriarch you can run around the questing area spamming a “/tar orphaned” macro to find a little orphaned hatchling for that area’s falcosaurs.  Before you head out to do the quest I suggest visiting food vendors in Dalaran.  When you find the orphaned hatchling if you have their favorite food in your bag you get a chance to interact with them, offer the food to them and then claim them as a pet.

Bloodgazer Hatchling – Azuna – Azunian Grapes
Direbeak Hatchling – Stormhiem – Pungent Vrykul Gamalost
Sharptalon Hatchling – Val’sharah – Dried Bilberries
Snowfeather Hatchling – Highmountain – Smoked Elderhorn

After adopting these little guys they will offer you quests when you summon them, the first of which is to raise them to level 25!

Legion Has Arrived!

Legion has arrived and so have new pets!  There are so many cuddly (and not so cuddly) new friends to collect with the arrival of Legion.  Much like the Pygmy Cow from the garrison barn, there is also a hidden surprise in Dalaran for those who are willing to take a moment and look.  If you wander into some of the buildings in Dalaran including the Magical Menagerie, the Barber Shop and the second floor of The Legerdemain Lounge you will have a chance of spotting a rug that you can interact with.  Upon clicking on the rug you will receive the Spring Cleaning buff for 15 minutes and it will allow you to see Dust Bunnies hopping around Dalaran.  You can battle them to your heart’s content until the buff wears off.  While most dust bunnies are pesky little critters, I’m sure most of us would be more than happy to find this little guy curled up under our beds.

Here are a couple screenshots to help you on you search:


Tanaan Guides Updated!

No more Howl Bomb!  To reflect that, all of the Tanaan guides have been updated.  I realize that there are also some other guides on the page that need some work and I will be doing those in the days to come, but I had a request to do these first.  I’m happy to say that they are complete and I will be working my way through the site to make sure that Howl Bomb is purged from existence!  Enjoy!

More Streaming!

Hello friends!  I’ve been busy streaming over at Twitch so I haven’t put a ton of work into the site as of late.  There are a ton of new pets coming with Legion.  I don’t know which one I am most excited about.  I haven’t gotten to play on the Alpha and Beta is starting today, but alas the gnome didn’t get an invite so you’ll have to let me know YOUR thoughts on pets as you discover them!  Until next time!



Farewell Howl Bomb!

Many of you may have already seen the news that is a bit devastating to some pet battlers who enjoy a quick battle with the lovable Pandaren Water Spirit.  The Howl Bomb strategy was simply too powerful in too many situations and discouraged branching out to a wider variety of pets in PvE.  There is a wonderful post by Muffinus that you can read here.

Along with the nerfing of the Water Spirit’s Whirlpool and Geyser by putting them in the same ability slot, there are a couple other changes that the devs have addressed.  Shell Armor and Cleave have also had some changes made that you can read about in the same post.  Stay tuned for more information as Legion approaches on August 30, 2016!


Twitch Streaming and More!

Hello friends!  I have recently taken to streaming on Twitch.  My user name there is ettagnome and you can find me by clicking here.  I stream during our raids and I also stream at odd times during the week.

As of today, December 2, Brightpaw the Mana Kitty is available to adopt through the in game shop or through the Battle.net shop.  The Make-A-Wish foundation receives 100% of the proceeds from purchases made through December 31, 2015.

In the coming days I will also be adding guides for the rest of the Draenor Tamers (something I have been very lazy about).  Look for those to be up soon!

New Highmaul 6.2.2 Pets!

There are 3 new pets in the uninstanced (accessible by flying only) Highmaul zone.  Three ogre rares that repop very quickly have a chance to drop the pets.  You can kill the rares as many times as you want, BUT you only have ONE chance per day for a shot at the pets.  Kill each of them once for your chance at a pet and some extra garrison resources. Guk, Rugdug, and Pugg can drop the pets.  They are NOT a 100% drop.  The pets are the Empyreal Manafiend, Energized Manafiend and the Empowered Manafiend.